Traffic Sign Recognition with Tensorflow
Designed a CNN inspired by LeNet architecture
Designed a CNN inspired by LeNet architecture
First project of the Udacity Self Driving Car NanoDegree
using the function lookupTransform
Intrinsic camera calibration for Nao/Romeo/Pepper with Visp.
How to install pocketsphinx on ROS Indigo (Ubuntu 14.04).
How to install the SDK C++ for Pepper, Romeo or Nao.
How to control Romeo via ROS.
How to use the bridge Visp_naoqi.
How to install Symoro on Ubuntu 14.04
Tested in Ubuntu 14.04
Some tips for holidays in Brittany (with map)
A set of Matlab C++ S-functions that can be used to interface Simulink blocks with ROS.
Brigde over ViSP and Aldebaran SDK.
Project contains demos, classes, tools and data for the humanoid robot Romeo from Aldebaran.
A V-Rep plugin that provides a communication interface between V-Rep and ROS.
ViSP standing for Visual Servoing Platform is a modular cross platform library that allows prototyping and developing applications using visual tracking and ...