Naoqi C++ SDK Installation


Installation IDE

QT Creator is the IDE recommended by SoftBank Robotics.

  • Download the installer available here. In my case the file is named
  • Go in the folder where you downloaded the installer of qt-creator and give execute permission with:
    $ chmod a+x
  • Run the installer:
    $ ./

Download software

C++ SDK and Cross Toolchain

Download the following packages here or here for Pepper:

  • C++ SDK 2.3 Linux 64 (or newier version)

Creation Devtools and workspace folders

  • Let’s create now some folders useful for the development with the SDK:
    $ mkdir -p ~/romeo/{devtools,workspace}

NB: This is just a suggestion, you can manage these folders as you prefer.

  • Now we can extract the C++ SDK and Cross Toolchain in the devtools folder. Go via terminal in the folder where you downloaded the tools and run:
    $ tar -zxvf naoqi-sdk- -C ~/romeo/devtools/


  • Open a terminal and install Qibuild with pip: $ pip install qibuild
  • If you don’t have pip installed you can install it with: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • Now we add the installation location of Qibuild in the PATH. Open the file bashrc: $ gedit ~/.bashrc and in the end of the file add:
    export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin
  • Open a new terminal and check if Qibuild is correctly installed:
    $ qibuild --version
  • Now we have to create a qibuild “worktree”. This path will be the root from where qiBuild searches to find the sources of your projects. We can use the folder we created before: ~/romeo/workspace.
    $ cd ~/romeo/workspace And digit:
    $ qibuild init
  • Now we can run: $ qibuild config --wizard
    A file will be generated in ~/.config/qi/qibuild.xml. It is shared by all the worktrees you will create. You will be asked to choose a CMake generator, select Unix Makefiles, and to choose a IDE, choose QtCreator (or another if you use a different IDE).
:: Please choose a generator:
> 1 (Unix Makefiles)
:: Please choose an IDE
> 2 (QtCreator)
:: Do you want to use qtcreator from /usr/bin/qtcreator?
> Y (Yes)
:: Found a worktree in /udd/fspindle/soft/romeo/workspace_gantry
:: Do you want to configure settings for this worktree? (y/N)
> y
:: Do you want to use a unique build dir? (mandatory when using Eclipse) (y/N)
> N
  • If you see a message like “CMake not found” probably you have to install CMake:
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake
  • We can create, configure and build a new project called “foo”: $ qisrc create foo
    New project initialized in /home/jokla/romeo/workspace/foo $ qibuild configure foo
Current build worktree: /home/jokla/romeo/workspace 
Build type: Debug 
* (1/1) Configuring foo 
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.2
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Using qibuild 3.6.2
-- Binary: foo
-- Binary: test_foo
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/jokla/romeo/workspace/foo/build-sys-linux-x86_64

$ qibuild make foo

Current build worktree: /home/jokla/romeo/workspace 
Build type: Debug 
* (1/1) Building foo 
Scanning dependencies of target foo
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/foo.dir/main.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable sdk/bin/foo
[ 50%] Built target foo
Scanning dependencies of target test_foo
[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/test_foo.dir/test.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable sdk/bin/test_foo
[100%] Built target test_foo
  • We can run the executable of the project “foo”:
    $ cd ~/romeo/workspace/foo/build-sys-linux-x86_64/sdk/bin/foo
    You should see:
    Hello, world

References: link1, link2

Using qibuild with Aldebaran C++ SDKs

  • Now we need to create a toolchain (change with your path to the file toolchain.xml you want to use. You will find it in the naoqi-sdk folder):
$ qitoolchain create toolchain_romeo /home/jokla/romeo/devtools/naoqi-sdk- --default

NB: Instead of toolchain_romeo you can choose the name that you want. You can create also different toolchains.

  • If you have a new version of qibuild the procedure is slightly different:
$ qitoolchain create toolchain_romeo /local/soft/naoqi-sdk/naoqi-sdk-
$ qibuild add-config toolchain_romeo -t toolchain_romeo --defaul

Optional Test:

  • Open a terminal and digit:
$ cd ~/romeo/devtools/naoqi-sdk- 
$ qibuild init --interactive
  • Now we can configure and build the examples:
$ cd core/helloworld/
$ qibuild configure -c toolchain_romeo  
$ qibuild make -c toolchain_romeo
  • You can also build in release mode:
$ qibuild configure --release <project_name>
$ qibuild make --release <project_name>

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