The contains demos, classes, tools and data for the humanoid robot Romeo from Aldebaran.
- Face detection using OpenCV Haar cascade.
- Face detection and Recognition using the OKAO Vision library (ALFaceDetection naoqi module).
- Color based object detection.
- Face tracking and servoing of head and eyes to center it on the image.
- Blobs tracking and servoing head and eyes to center it on the image.
- Aim of the demo is grasp a box and to deliver it to an human. Here the steps of the demo:
- Detect and track a box by color information.
- Use keypoints to detect and estimate the pose of the box (with know cad model).
- Track the box using the model-based tracker.
- Grasp of the box.
- Detect person and deliver the box.
- Face detection (OpenCV library).
- QR-Code detection (zbar library).
- Servo arm and Servo head class.
- Localization object with know model.
- Detection object from color information (with learning color phase).
Software information
- Release date: Oct, 2014
- Author: G. Claudio, F. Spindler
- Maintainer: G. Claudio, F. Spindler
- Source:
- License: BSD
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